Teambuilding Success?

Have you ever headed out to attend an all day corporate teambuilding outing with just a little dread in your heart? I know I have. Here were some of the questions/thoughts bouncing around in my head…Why do we have to do this? I’m sure I could find better use for my time than this! I don’t even like him/her, why do I have to pretend I do? And my favorite…This is going to be really lame!

While those may have been the thoughts going in, I always came out the other side thankful for the process. I now look forward to the opportunities to build our team. What about you? Do you dread teambuilding exercises? Or, do you embrace them?

While you’re thinking about it, here’s a little cartoon I came across the other day. Would you call this a successful teambuilding session???


Filed under Christian Camping, human resources, Leadership, Management

2 responses to “Teambuilding Success?

  1. The Thinkers

    love the cartoon, hope our team building exercise this week would not end up this way. thanks

  2. Thanks for the comment Emmanuel. How did your teambuilding go?

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