Tag Archives: Paul Thornton

Friday’s Wrap Up

Here are 4 articles I came across this week I thought could be helpful. Hopefully you’ll find at least one nugget to help you grow as a leader.

7 Dumb Manager Mistakes – Darryl Rosen

According to a recent CareerBuilder poll, 58% of managers received NO training before starting the job.  Of course, even smart, well-trained managers make dumb mistakes. However, the difference between dumb managers and smart ones is that smart managers notice when their salespeople are unmotivated and their workers are uninspired. Smart managers work at making small behavioral changes, one step at a time, to correct common management mistakes that are having a negative impact on their and their team members’ performance. (Read full article)

30 Ways Your Business Should Leverage Social Media This Year – Daniel Mbure

Social media is big in business circles and every business is scrambling to implement social media strategies to take advantage of this new opportunity. If your business is not already on the social media bandwagon, you still have time to create a social media strategy and start getting social. (Read full article)

Inspire People To Change – Paul Thornton

Leaders not only challenge us but also inspire us to take action. Some leaders post quotes in their office as reminders to inspire themselves and others. Here are a few examples. (Read full article)

Yes…You Can Be Creative! – Mark Miller

I’m amazed how many leaders I encounter who say, “I’m not creative.” When I hear this, it actually energizes me, because EVERY human being on the planet has the seeds of creativity within them. After studying and practicing the disciplines of creativity for over 30 years, I’ve concluded that the realization of this untapped potential is only three steps away. (Read full article)


Filed under Hospitality, human resources, Leadership, Management